Make this simple yet delicious Chocolate Orange Shortbread using our Cocoa Orange Spice Blend. Natural sweet flavourings. The perfect biscuit with a cup of tea.
Makes approx 12 pieces of Shortbread
Time: 1 hour
150g Plain Flour
100g Butter, cubed
50g Caster Sugar
2 tsp Freshly Spiced Cocoa Orange Spice Blend
1 Orange (Zest only)
50g Chocolate Chips
Place all of the ingredients into a large bowl aside from the chocolate chips and keeping a little orange zest back, give it a stir. Using your fingers combine the mixture using your thumb and fingers.
This will take a few minutes, once it has combined you can bring the crumbed mixture together to form a dough.
Press the mixture together and then place on a floured surface, work the dough with your hands to bring together.
Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough to a 1cm thick sheet. Using a knife cut the finger shapes or whatever shapes you would like. Sprinkle caster sugar over the top of each piece of shortbread.
Place the shortbreads on a baking tray on a sheet of baking parchment and chill for at least 20 minutes.
Pre-heat the oven to 150C Fan
Bake for 20-25 minutes until the shortbread are golden.
Leave to cool fully on the baking tray.
Melt the chocolate chips either in a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water or in a dish in the microwave.
Drizzle the chocolate mixture over the shortbread and then zest more orange over the top.
Enjoy with a cup of tea.
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