Spiced Lamb Hotpot Recipe

With the weather starting to change its nice to enjoy some wholesome, hearty meals and this simple lamb hotpot is delicious. With our Tunisian Qalat Daqqa blend to add cinnamon, cloves and more for warming flavours.  Enjoy our Spiced Lamb Hotpot Recipe.

Serves 3
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes

2 Lamb Leg Steaks cut into 1.5 cm chunks
3 Garlic Cloves crushed
250ml Stock (chicken, veg or beef)
1 Onion finely chopped
400g Potatoes finely sliced
Rosemary or Thyme
Preheat your oven to 170C
Add some butter to a frying pan and brown the lamb for around 3-5 minutes, rest to one side and add in the onions and carrots. Soften for around 5 minutes before adding the garlic. Continue to cook for 5 minutes before stirring in the Freshly Spiced Qalat Daqqa Spice Blend. Add the stock and herbs and cook for a couple more minutes.
In an ovenproof dish place the sliced potatoes overlapping on the base before topping with the lamb and sauce mixture. Then layer the rest of the potatoes, again overlapping on the top.
Place in the oven for 45 minutes.
Qalat Daqqa Spice Blend