Spicy Beef Kofta Recipe

A simple Spicy Beef Kofta Recipe that can be switched to Lamb if you prefer. A great addition to any BBQ or simply a tasty family meal.

Serves 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
500g Minced Beef
1 Brown onion, grated
2 Garlic cloves, crushed
10-15 Fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
6 Wooden skewers soaked in water
For Yoghurt
3 tbsp Natural Yoghurt
1 Lemon, juice only
Garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp Smoked paprika
In a large bowl add the minced beef, onion, garlic, spice and mint leaves. Using clean hands combine together into an almost smooth mixture that has a good speckling of spice and mint leaves.
Using your hands break the mixture into 6 portions and roll into small balls before moulding into sausage shapes.
Thread the wooden skewer through the beef mixture and repeat for the other 5 kebabs.
Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
Preheat your BBQ to at least 200C, place the kebabs onto the BBQ and cook for around 10 minutes, turning every 2-3 minutes to ensure they are evenly cooked.
Whilst cooking, combine the yoghurt ingredients in a bowl.
Once ready, serve the kebabs either with some rice or using tortillas to make wraps. Drizzle with yoghurt.