Berbere Prawn Curry

Berbere Prawn Curry

Our Berbere Prawn Curry provides a take on Ethiopian cuisine with a kick from the fiery chilli in Berbere. It takes 20 minutes to cook and provides a great source of protein, packed with flavour, offering a wholesome meal. 
Serves 2
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes

250-300g King Prawns
1 Onion finely diced
150g Green Beans
400g tinned tomatoes
1/2 tin coconut milk
1 tsp Berbere Spice Blend
Olive Oil
2 Garlic cloves crushed
Handful of fresh coriander
Rice to serve

Heat a good glug of oil in a large pan
Add the onion and garlic, soften for around 8 minutes
Stir in the  Berbere Spice Blend
Add the chopped tomatoes and green beans
Cook for a further 5 minutes, you may need to add a little water if the sauce thickens too much
Finally add in the prawns and coconut milk, cook for 5 minutes until the green beans are tender and and sauce has started the thicken
Garnish with Coriander to serve.

Serve with rice.

Buy Berbere Spice Blend