Tikka Fish Curry Recipe

This Tikka Fish Curry Recipe works with a variety of fish, we usually make it with Salmon or Cod. It’s a great way to introduce different fish to children with a lovely warmth of spice.

Serves 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
For the Marinade
300g Cod Fillets or your favourite fish cut into 2cm cubes
2 Garlic cloves, crushed
2cm Fresh ginger, grated
2 tbsp Natural yoghurt
For the Curry
1 Red onion, finely diced
3 garlic cloves, crushed
3cm Fresh ginger, grated
400g (1 tin) Chopped tomatoes
100g Fresh tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tbsp Tomato puree
1 1/2 tbsp Natural yoghurt
1/2 Lemon
Handful fresh coriander
Place all of the marinade ingredients (apart from the fish) into a bowl and stir well, place the fish into the mixture and coat, leave for 30 minutes.
Pre heat grill to high
On the hob place a large pan on a medium heat, add in 1 tbsp olive oil and add the onions. Soften for about 8 minutes, stirring frequently.
Add in the garlic and ginger, cook for a minute and then add a dash of water before stirring in the Freshly Spiced Tikka Spice Blend.
At this point assemble the fish on the skewers and place them into the grill, cook for around 10 minutes, turning every couple of minutes for a nice even cook.
In the pan add the fresh and tinned tomatoes, stir before seasoning with salt, add the tomato puree and bring to the boil, leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
By this point the fish will have been taken out of the grill
Put the cooked fish into the sauce, gently stir, you can leave them more whole or continue to stir so the fish flakes.
Add in the yoghurt and coriander and stir before squeezing in half the lemon juice.
Serve with rice and naan

Buy Freshly Spiced Tikka Spice Blend

Photo of Tikka Spice Blend