Crispy Fried Chicken Recipe

Our take on the classic Crispy Fried Chicken Recipe using our versatile Burger Spice Blend with it’s paprika, cumin and chilli notes to provide subtle heat and speckles of colour.

Serves 4
Prep Time:  2 hours
Cook Time: 10 minutes

4 Chicken breasts
300ml Whole or Semi Skimmed milk
150g Self raising flour
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Oregano
Sunflower oil to cook in
In a large bowl add the milk, egg, Burger Spice Blend, oregano and salt. Whisk together and set to one side.
Place the chicken breasts into a freezer bag and using either a rolling pin or meat mallet flatten them so they are around 2 cm flat. You can cut into smaller pieces if you want a quicker cook time.
Carefully place the chicken into the milk mix and leave for around an hour and a half.
When you are ready to cook place the flour, a little salt and turmeric in to a large dish.
Place a large pan on to a high heat and add the sunflower oil to around half full.  Leave to heat and prepare the chicken.  Take the chicken out of the milk mix and place into the flour, cover with the flour before quickly dipping back into the milk and then again back into the flour, these are ready to go straight into the hot oil.
Make sure it is really hot and carefully place the chicken in the oil, they should take around 6-8 minutes to cook depending on the size, cook in small batches to not over crowd the pan.
Check the chicken is cooked through before serving, add a little salt on top of the fried chicken before serving.

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