Use our delicious Cocoa Orange Spice Blend to add chocolate orange warmth to your Grilled Peaches with Yoghurt and Spice Recipe. It’s the perfect simple pudding. Don’t forget, you could grill the peaches on the BBQ.

Serves 4
Time: 15 minutes

800ml Natural Yoghurt (approx 200ml each person)
2 tsp Freshly Spiced Cocoa Orange Spice Blend
2-4 Peaches
2 tbsp Natural Honey


Preheat your BBQ or grill to 200C
Cut the peaches in half and remove the stone. Place with the inside facing up and drizzle 1/2 tsp honey on each half.
Place the Peaches on the grill inside facing downwards and cook for 2 minutes, turn over and cook for around 5 minutes until the inside has softened and you have the grill markings showing. Sprinkle on a little of the cocoa orange spice and leave for a further minute.
Divide the yoghurt between 4 bowls, place the cooked peaches in the middle, sprinkle with 1/2 Freshly Spiced Cocoa Orange Spice and enjoy.
We hope you enjoyed our Grilled Peaches with Yoghurt and Spice Recipe.

Buy Cocoa Orange Spice

Cocoa Orange Spice Blend