Halloumi Burger

This is a seriously good burger, with layers of texture and flavour. Our limited edition BBQ Coffee Seasoning adds a warmth with nutty notes to the halloumi and the fresh lime gives a real zing to the Halloumi Burger Recipe.

Serves 2
Prep Time:  10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes

200g Pack Halloumi, sliced into 4
1 Gem Lettuce
2 Limes
Small handful fresh coriander
1 Carrot grated
1 Red onion, a couple of rings per burger
50g sweetcorn
1 Beef tomato, 1 slice per burger
50ml Mayonnaise
1 Garlic clove crushed
2 Brioche buns
In a large dish place the BBQ Coffee Seasoning and the juice from half a lime, mix to form a paste and add the halloumi, use your hands to coat them and leave to marinate whilst you prepare the other items (if possible 30 minutes).
In another bowl combine the sweetcorn, juice from 1 lime, coriander and carrot.  Stir together and season with salt and pepper. Leave to one side and prepare the dip
Add the mayonnaise, juice from half a lime and a clove of garlic to a bowl and mix together, season and taste. If shouldn’t be too thick, if it is add more lime juice.
Either on your BBQ or in a griddle pan on a high heat, place the halloumi and grill for 2 minute each side. Check to make sure it doesn’t stick.
Lightly toast the bun on the same griddle before constructing your burger, layer up the lettuce, tomato, halloumi, and place the sweetcorn mix on top before drizzling the sauce over.

BBQ Coffee Seasoning