Sweet spiced Plum Bakewell tart Recipe

Use our Sweet Spice blend to add warming cinnamon, fragrant rose petals and more to your Bakewell tart with this Sweet Spiced Plum Bakewell Tart Recipe.

Serves 12
Prep Time:
Cook Time: 

300g Plums – Cut in half, remove stone, then cut into quarters.
300g Ground almonds
75g Plain flour
1 tsp Vanilla essence
250g Unsalted butter
250g Caster sugar
3 Eggs
500g shortcrust pastry (you can buy a pastry case or make your own- if making your own spice it up with the sweet spice blend and some lemon zest)
250g Plum jam, good quality
50g Flaked almonds
Preheat oven to 180C
Place the caster sugar and butter in a food processor and blitz into a smooth paste, add in the vanilla extract before the eggs and then the plain flour, ground almonds and Freshly Spiced Sweet Spice blend. Mix again and you should have a thick mixture for your frangipane.
Spread the jam over the base of the pastry case ensuring you have a thick, even layer.
Now spoon on the frangipane mixture, again ensuring you have an even coating.
Take the plum slices and push them into the mixture before scattering the flaked almonds.
Bake for 50 minutes, check if it is cooked in the middle with a skewer, it may need an extra 10-15 minutes.
Leave too cool so that it sets before serving (don’t worry, it will take a while to cool but it’s worth being patient)
Photo of Sweet Spice Blend