Photo of freshly baked za'atar flatbreads

We love making this recipe, it’s really simple and it’s great having fresh bread. The kids love it too as they can get involved in making it.  The Za’atar Flatbreads Recipe uses only a few ingredients and is an ideal accompaniment to fresh salads.

Serves 4 (2 flatbreads each)
Prep Time: 2 hours
Cook Time: 10 minutes

250ml Lukewarm Water
1 tsp Sugar
7g Yeast (1 pack)
750g Bread flour
1 tsp Salt
2 tbsp Olive Oil
25g Freshly Spiced Za’atar (at least 6 tsp, ideally 10 tsp)
100ml Olive Oil
In a bowl combine the water, sugar and yeast, mix fully. Leave to one side for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile add the flour, salt and olive oil into a bowl, mix before making a well in the middle. You may want to do this on a work surface.
Pour in the yeast and water mix and stir to form a dough ball. Knead for around 10 minutes.
Form a dough ball, place into a clean bowl with a damp tea towel over the top and leave for  1.5 hours.
Once ready take the ball out and knead it for about a minute or two before separating the mix into 8 equal portions. Roll into little balls and leave covered for 30 minutes.
In another bowl mix the remaining 100ml olive oil and Za’atar.
Pre heat your oven to 200C fan and add a baking tray to preheat.
Once ready, flatten the dough balls and work into thick discs around 5″ in diameter, use palms to push the dough into shape. Add one tbsp of the Za’atar and olive oil mix in the middle of each flatbread, spread it out a little. Place on the pre heated baking tray and bake for around 8 minutes until they are slightly browning.
Leave it to sit for 5 minutes so the topping can settle.
Perfect on their own or ideal with a salad or topped with fresh sliced tomatoes.
Photo of Za'atar Spice Blend