Tasty Spiced Banana Loaf Recipe (Sweet Blend) Looking to use up some over ripe bananas? Try this quick, delicious banana loaf recipe with our sweet blend to add hints of cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, rose petals and more. Serves 10 Prep Time: 10 minutes Bake Time: 35...
Chicken & Sweet Potato Tray Bake Recipe Try our simple, tasty and healthy spicy tray bake recipe. Can be make with Chicken, Quorn or Tofu, packed with flavour and a great source of protein. Using our Spiced Burger Blend it packs smokey flavours with a hint of...
Spicy Vegetarian Burritos Recipe (Fajita Blend) Utilising a great suggestion from one of our customers. A really tasty and simple recipe, healthy and protein filled. Using fresh ingredients for a balanced meal Serves 2 Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes...
Spicy Veggie Pasta Recipe (Ras El Hanout Blend) Looking for some different meal options? Try a vegetable spaghetti dish with our vibrant Ras El Hanout Spice Blend. This is a simple dish, will serve the whole family within an hour. Serves 4 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook...