Tandoori Inspired Chicken Recipe

Photo of Tandoori Inspired Recipe

Try our quick and easy recipe for tasty Tandoori Inspired Chicken. It takes minutes to prep and only 10 minutes to cook. This is great for family meals, also ideal source of protein for post workout.


2 Chicken breasts or thighs (personal preference)- one per person
1 Lemon
4 tbsp Natural Yogurt
3 cloves of garlic (crushed)
Serving of Tandoori Inspired Spice Blend (1tsp per breast/thigh)


Cut chicken into bite size pieces (can be cooked whole but I prefer to do them on skewers)
Add to a bowl with a pinch of salt and the juice of the lemon.
Leave for 30 mins
Crush the garlic cloves, add to the bowl with the yogurt and serving of spice blend
Mix all ingredients together and leave for at least an hour. The longer the better.


Set your grill to medium/high and leave to heat up
Ideally use skewers coated in a little oil to help prevent sticking
Skewer your chicken, around 4-5 pieces per skewer, try not put them too close together
Place on grill tray and cook for around 10-12 mins, keep checking and turning them every few minutes.
You should get a nice char on some pieces and a fairly even cook.
Ensure you check the chicken is fully cooked before serving


Serve with rice and a big salad
Or use flatbreads or pittas and make into a chicken kebab with some fresh salad and coriander.
Natural yogurt compliments it well