Spiced Burger Recipe

Spiced Burger

A really quick and easy recipe with maximum flavour. Great for BBQ’s

Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes


1 Pack of good quality beef mince (500g approximately), you may want more as it will only give one burger each
1 white onion
3 tsp of Spiced Burger Blend
Burger buns of your choice
Salad of your choice
Optional (handful of breadcrumbs to bind)

Finely chop the onion
Add to a bowl with the mince and 2-3 tsp of Spiced burger blend
Using your hands, mix the ingredients together, really work the mixture to ensure it is thoroughly blended
You can add the breadcrumbs at this stage if required and mix through
Form into burger patties
Cook these either directly on the BBQ, in the grill or on a griddle pan. I often use a griddle pan if I’m not BBQ’ing as it keeps the meat tender
Add a little olive oil to the burgers and place in the hot pan, turning every few minutes
They should take around 10 minutes to cook but you may want to cook them slightly less or more depending how well done you want them
I also like to lightly warm my burger buns in the pan just before I am ready to serve the burgers

Great with fresh red onion slices, cheese and lettuce

Buy Spiced Burger Blend