Spiced Ice Cream Recipe

Spiced Ice Cream

Try our cheat ice cream using custard. It takes minutes to assemble and then you simply wait for it to freeze. The flavour is very unique with our Sweet Treat Spice Blend. This can be made with an ice cream maker as well.
Serves 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes



1 pint of good quality custard, either homemade or decent shop bought (nothing too sugary)

1-2 tsp Sweet Treat Spice Blend

Empty your custard into a dish which you are okay putting in the freezer
Add 1-2tsp Sweet Treat Spice Blend and mix through. You may find you want a little more or less, either way the custard should looked speckled with spice
Place in the freezer for at least 3 hours before serving

The Spice blend also goes well with fruit, just a little sprinkle
Also over Natural Yoghurt

Buy Sweet Treat Spice Blend