photo of christmas cupcake recipe
Having guests over this Christmas? Looking for baking ideas with the children? Try our delicious spiced cupcakes using our Great Taste award winning Middle Eastern Sweet Blend
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20-25 minutes
175g unsalted butter, at room temperature cut into small cubes 
175g self raising flour 
175g caster sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 medium eggs
1tsp Freshly Spiced Sweet Blend
1 lemon zest only
175g unsalted butter, at room temperature 
2 tbsp milk
Juice of half a lemon
350g icing sugar
Put all of the cupcake ingredients into a bowl or food processor with whisk attachment and beat to form a consistent mixture
Place your cupcake cases into a muffin tray and then pour mixture evenly into each of the 12 cases
Place in a preheated oven at 180C and bake for 20 minutes, check as they may need a few minutes more. They should be slightly firm on the top and risen
Whilst these are cooling you can make your buttercream
Put the butter, icing sugar, spice, lemon and milk into a bowl and beat until you have a smooth consistency that you will be able to pipe with
Sprinkle with your favourite cupcake toppings such as sprinkles or festive decorations