20% Off all orders over £10! Valid for 1 week!

20% Off all orders over £10! Valid for 1 week!

Also Stock up on your favourite spices and blends with our 20% off all orders over £10.  Valid for 1 week, get your orders in and try some of of new blends or add one of our spice tins to keep your cupboards organised. Take advantage of the offer and get a unique...
Overnight Oats Recipe Video

Overnight Oats Recipe Video

Overnight Oats Recipe Take your oats to the next level with our protein, flavour and spice packed recipe. Spruce up your oats with our Sweet Spice Blend, bringing a Middle Eastern taste to your breakfast! Buy Sweet Spice...
Spicy Vegan Bean Burger Recipe Video

Spicy Vegan Bean Burger Recipe Video

Spicy Vegan Burger Recipe Looking for some recipe ideas? Check out our recipe page and youtube channel. Both have many recipes including this tasty vegan bean burger recipe. Takes minutes to prepare, flavoured with our Vegan Burger Spice Blend to offer a tasty family...