New BBQ Rub!

New BBQ Rub!

BBQ Spice Rub Our new BBQ blend! Full of flavour, with chilli, brown sugar, cumin, smoked paprika and more! A great way to make healthy BBQ food, perfect for pork, chicken, fish and vegetables. Vegan friendly like all our blends. We will be adding a range of recipes...
New places to find Freshly Spiced products!

New places to find Freshly Spiced products!

New Stockist Freshly Spiced is proud to be stocked in Toast Deli. Great place for food and supporting other local business. You can find a range of our stock there and can utilise the recipes from our site to create exciting new healthy meals! Toast Deli, 202 Derby...
Spiced Burger Recipe

Spiced Burger Recipe

Spiced Burger Recipe A really quick and easy recipe with maximum flavour. Great for BBQ’s Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes INGREDIENTS 1 Pack of good quality beef mince (500g approximately), you may want more as it will only give one burger each 1...
Indian Egg Recipe

Indian Egg Recipe

Indian Spicy Egg Recipe Our unique recipe has been passed down through generations. A simple meal, easy to create, packed with protein, spice, vegetables and flavour. A healthy breakfast or dinner, offering an alternative post workout meal! Serves 2 Prep Time: 10...
Fajitas Recipe

Fajitas Recipe

Fajitas Recipe A Mexican classic, providing a tasty. one pan dinner with little prep but maximum flavour! This is packed with protein and healthy vegetables. It can be prepared the night before or 15 minutes before cooking. Serves 2 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time:...

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