jerk quorn paella recipe

This one pot veggie dish is a great way to get the family eating more healthy vegetables and with the flavour from our jerk spice blend it takes it to the next level
Serves 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
300g Quorn Pieces
60g red pepper sliced
60g yellow pepper sliced
1 onion finely diced
3 cloves of garlic crushed
1tsp turmeric
200g chopped tomatoes (half a standard tin)
200g each cook long grain rice, rinsed
60g green beans sliced in half
60g frozen peas
1tbsp olive oil
Heat the oil and add the onion and garlic, cook until softened (usually around 8 minutes) stirring to prevent any sticking
Add the sliced peppers and fry for a further 5 mins.
Stir in the tomatoes, green beans and peas and cook for 6 mins.
Add the Quorn pieces, rice, Freshly Spiced Jerk Spice Blend and the turmeric, stir well.
Top up the pan with water to ensure everything is covered, don’t worry if it looks like a lot as it will reduce. Simmer for approx 25 mins or until the rice is tender, keep checking the pan and stirring (adding more water if required).
Ensure the dish reaches an appropriate temperature and serve immediately.

Buy Jerk Spice Blend