Looking for a simple, healthy dinner thats still packed with flavour! This Jerk stir fry recipe works well with chicken, beef or tofu! Lots of fresh vegetables and a good kick of heat from our Jerk spice blend, combine that with the sweetness of the Orange for a truly...
This Middle Eastern Spiced Carrot Cake & Cupcake Recipe is super easy and is enhanced with our Great Taste award winning Sweet Spice, replacing a normal mixed spice and bringing more of a Middle Eastern feel with rose petals, cardamom, cinnamon and more for...
Use up your curry leftovers or make our super simple, super tasty curry and create this amazing Chicken Curry Pie recipe. Serves 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour INGREDIENTS 400g Diced Chicken 1 Red onion finely chopped 1 tbsp olive oil 3 Garlic cloves...