Chicken with Sweet Potato & Spinach This tasty recipe contains a handful of fresh ingredients. It is enhanced with our Spiced Burger Blend, adding smokey undertones and a nice warmth from chilli. Buy Spiced Burger Blend...
Indian Eggs Recipe Looking for something very different to add to your menu! Look no further than our unique Indian Egg Recipe, containing our vibrant spice blend. This simple recipe contains a handful of fresh ingredients, great for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Buy...
Spicy Chilli Con Carne Recipe Take your chilli to the next level with this tasty recipe. Enhanced with our Chilli Spice Blend Recipe Kit, packed with fresh spices. Buy Chilli Spice Blend...
Overnight Oats Recipe Take your oats to the next level with our protein, flavour and spice packed recipe. Spruce up your oats with our Sweet Spice Blend, bringing a Middle Eastern taste to your breakfast! Buy Sweet Spice...
Spicy Vegan Burger Recipe Looking for some recipe ideas? Check out our recipe page and youtube channel. Both have many recipes including this tasty vegan bean burger recipe. Takes minutes to prepare, flavoured with our Vegan Burger Spice Blend to offer a tasty family...
Looking to try our spices? It’s even easier now with 15% off all new customer orders. Simply add your chosen blends or spices to your basket and the discount will automatically be added at the checkout. There are a wide range of blends on offer and...
Always great to be working with top quality companies and Harkers Farm Shop is exactly that! Great range of farm shop and deli produce plus an award winning butchers and a fresh delivery to restock our spice blends. Add some flavour to your cooking with...
Spiced Carrot and Lentil Soup Recipe Try this amazing spiced carrot and lentil soup, so simple to make, packed with flavour and a good source of protein. Buy our natural garam masala blend here: Also check out our full...