Spiced Salmon and Sweet Potato Fishcakes

Salmon sweet potato fishcake Recipe

Salmon and Sweet Potato Fishcake Recipe

A spiced fishcake that’s packed with flavour, easy to make and really healthy. Natural protein and fats enhanced with our Venetian Spaghetti Spice.
Serves 2
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes

200g Sweet Potato- diced
150g-200g Salmon (or cod if you prefer)- use a fork to break it into pieces
1 tsp Spaghetti Spice Blend
100g Breadcrumbs
1 Lime
1 Egg
3 tbsp Plain Flour

Boil the Sweet Potatoes until soft- around 10-15 mins, remove from the water and leave to cool
Once cooled add the salmon flakes, spice blend, around 50g of breadcrumbs and zest of the lime.
Mix well and form into fishcake shapes
You will need 3 dishes, one for the flour, one for egg and one for breadcrumbs
Crack the egg into a dish and whisk slightly to mix
Take each fishcake, coat in the flour, then dip into the egg mix and then into the breadcrumbs. Ensure you have a full covering, you may want more breadcrumbs.
Do the same with each fishcake you have made

Turn oven to 200C
Place fishcakes on baking tray and cook for 20 mins, until golden brown
If you want you can shallow fry in a large pan with some oil- cook for 3-5 mins each side

I like to serve with noodles- cook noodles to instructions on the packet
Heat a little groundnut oil in a wok or pan, add some sliced spring onions, red peppers, ginger and garlic and 2 tbsp soy sauce. Don’t let them stick, cook for around 5 mins
Once noodles are cooked, add to wok and stir through all flavours
Serve and place fishcakes on top

Buy Spaghetti Spice Blend