Make this delicious South African Curry Recipe using our South African Curry Spice Blend. Deep, rich flavours, high heat with subtle sweetness for a delicious meal. Serves 4 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes INGREDIENTS 500g Chicken breasts or Thighs cut...
Looking for some healthy dinner ideas!? This Brazilian Fish Stew is a tasty, healthy meal that’s easy to make. Lots of fresh ingredients and deep spices for a great family meal. Serves 4 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes INGREDIENTS 300g White Fish...
We love this recipe for a healthy and tasty lunch or snack. This Harissa Courgette Fritters Recipe uses only a handful of fresh ingredients plus our Harissa Spice Blend for a truly tasty meal. Serves 4 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes INGREDIENTS 2 Large...
Create 3 Simple Chicken Marinades to suit the whole family. Our Za’atar Spice Blend is a great marinade with no heat and the addition of citrus undertones. The Tandoori Spice Blend is great mixed with yoghurt and provides a mild warmth. If you are looking...