Tikka Masala Curry Recipe Make an authentic Tikka Masala with this delicious and simple recipe. Using only a handful of fresh ingredients you can make a really tasty curry Serves 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 40 minutes INGREDIENTS 4 chicken breasts or thighs cut...
Spicy Chicken Enchiladas We love making this recipe. It’s so simple but tastes like you’ve taken ages to make it. We make it with chicken but this could easily be swapped to quorn or simply mixed bean enchiladas. We use our Fajita spice mix to cover all...
Za’atar Eggs on Flatbreads Looking for a quick dinner with amazing flavours? Try this one pan recipe, using our fresh Za’atar Spice Blend Serves 2 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes INGREDIENTS 1 Onion roughly diced 2 Cloves of garlic crushed 1...
Cocoa, Oat & Pecan Ball Recipe These chocolate oat and pecan balls are a great late morning sweet craving fix! They take minutes to make, great to be made in batches and used throughout the week. Flavoured with our Great Taste Award Winning Sweet Spiced Blend....
Chickpea & Spinach Curry Recipe A tasty vegetarian curry recipe with layers of flavour and texture from fresh vegetables and protein packed chickpeas. Also makes great leftovers the next day Serves 2 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 40 minutes INGREDIENTS 1 Onion...
Ras El Hanout Shakshouka This amazing recipe was created by Recipe Creator & Blogger Lucy Parker. I met with Lucy the other month and discussed the positives of using freshly ground spices and unique flavours like those we create. Lucy has since developed this...
Heading off to university? Living on your own for the first time? Know someone that is? Enjoy cooking? We’ve got you covered with this great special offer! Our Special Student offer until the end of September is our Deluxe Spice Blend Selection for just...
Berbere Prawn Curry Our Berbere Prawn Curry provides a take on Ethiopian cuisine with a kick from the fiery chilli in Berbere. It takes 20 minutes to cook and provides a great source of protein, packed with flavour, offering a wholesome meal. Serves 2 Prep Time: 10...
Middle Eastern Fish and Chips. Recreate a British favourite with a twist from Middle Eastern cuisine. Add some of our Advieh Spice Blend to create a totally different flavour. This recipe is much healthier than a takeaway and takes a short amount of time to prepare...
Spice up your Meatballs and Pasta with this Mexican flavoured recipe! It’s a great source of protein, packs in all your veggies and enough for the whole family to enjoy. Make the meatballs in batches and freeze them so you can use them for quick lunch options. ...