Our super quick BBQ crisp recipe provides a healthy snack option, can be made in batches and lasts for the week. Great with our homemade hummus recipe. Prep Time: 5 minutesCook Time: 20 minutesINGREDIENTS 2 potatoes spiralized or grated long ways 1 tsp BBQ spiced...
Take your waffles to the next level by adding our sweet spice blend. Great to make in batches and freeze for a delicious breakfast or simple snack options. Makes approx 36 sticks Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes per batch INGREDIENTS 2 cups plain flour 2...
Spicy Egg Muffins These egg muffins are a great breakfast to make ahead of time as they can be kept in the fridge for up to 5 days and enjoyed hot or cold. High protein and the perfect post workout snack! Makes approx 12 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes...
Spice up your flapjacks with our Award winning Sweet Spice. This recipe is great to make with the kids and is a simple snack to make ahead for the whole week. Makes approximately 10 portions Prep Time: 10 minutes Bake Time: 35 minutes INGREDIENTS 85g brown sugar 130g...
This recipe is so simple but tastes like its taken much longer to put together. Serves 3 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes INGREDIENTS 3 chicken breasts or thighs 1 red onion roughly chopped into quarters 2 cloves of garlic crushed 2 tsp Za’atar Spice...
Falafel Bowl These baked falafel with our Vegan Burger Spice Blend are really simple to make, taste great and can be made in batches and frozen. The salad is delicious and you can really mix up which flavours you like, swapping out beetroot for pickled onions or...
Spicy Tofu, Pear & Beetroot Salad Recipe Kick start your Veganuary with this delicious spicy tofu dish. We use our Spiced Burger blend containing warming paprika, a kick of chilli, cumin, black pepper and more to really flavour the tofu. This goes great with the...
This gorgeous recipe was created by recipe creator Lucy Parker, using our award winning Ras el hanout and crunchy Dukkah spice blends. Check out her range of recipes including her amazing Shakshouka recipe using our spices. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 35 minutes...
Spicy Berbere Eggs Recipe This is great as a healthy vegetarian lunch or a warming easy dinner. Using a handful of fresh ingredients and enhanced with our Berbere Spice Blend. Serves 2 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes INGREDIENTS 1 Onion finely diced 1-2...
Spiced Hummus Recipe INGREDIENTS 1 x 400 g tin of chickpeas 2 tsp Ras El Hanout A clove of garlic 1 tablespoon tahini 1 lemon Extra virgin olive oil INSTRUCTIONS Drain the chickpeas and add into a food processor Add the Ras El Hanout, garlic, then add the tahini, a...